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Corona Benchmark dashboard

Project overview

The Corona Benchmark, which utilizes the Corona 10 rendering core, allows you to do the following:

Verify that your machine's performance is up to par by comparing your results with those from similar hardware.

Make informed hardware purchasing decisions by ensuring that the new components offer a significant performance enhancement.

Conduct stress tests on your machine to confirm that the cooling system can handle the CPU's demands during intensive tasks (using the command console).

My service

Work with stakeholders, Mock-ups, Final design, Design system, Prototype




The Corona Benchmark Scoreboard was created to give users a clearer understanding of their PC's capabilities and to allow them to compare their performance with others on the scoreboard, thus enabling a transparent view of their rig's potential.

Following the interview with stakeholders, the requirements for the software were established as follows:

1. Users should be able to view their scores on a scoreboard.

2. Users should be able to filter the scoreboard results.

3. Users should be able to view details of their rig.

4. Users should be able to compare their results and share them.


After identifying user needs, I turned to Figma to create a user flow. It's a cost-effective method to present a visual solution to stakeholders and confirm details about the forthcoming software.

Visual Design

The design of the Corona Benchmark Scoreboard is built around the existing design system and is similar to the V-ray scoreboard to stay true to the distinctive visual style of Chaos products. I made some adjustments to the design system to better cater to the needs of Corona users.

The final design enables users to compare and filter the score list using built-in filters and to compare up to three rigs on a single screen. Additionally, users can easily share their results on social media using the integrated share buttons.

Dark & Mobile versions

To fully cover user needs it was necessary to create mobile version of the website. As a bonus the dark version of the website was created which is important addition nowadays when everything has a dark version of the app.

Corona picture

Final thoughts

The project was straightforward and provided me with the opportunity to work with different tables and niche-specific terminology in the 3D rendering software industry. If you would like to test this product yourself, please follow this link and evaluate the work firsthand.

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